
The following page contains information and links to services that can provide help, support, and information on certain conditions.

Non-urgent advice:

Pharmacy – Visit your local pharmacy for minor injuries, allergies, constipation, headaches, cold and flu symptoms and earache.

NHS 111 – Think NHS 111, if you need help fast but it is not an emergency think NHS 111  Open 24/7 Call 111 or visit

Mental Health Crisis Line – if you are worried about your mental health, or experiencing a mental health crisis, call the 24/7 crisis line on 0808 196 3779.

Self-Referral Services

YourHealth Notts

You can now self-refer for smoking cessation, weight management and alcohol brief advice

‘Your Health Your Way’ is a free service available to support residents of Nottinghamshire (excluding Nottingham City) to get support to quit smoking, get more active, eat healthier, lose weight, drink less alcohol.

Call ‘Your Health Your Way’ for more information.

Tel: 0115 772 2515


Email: [email protected]

Insight Talking Therapy Services

Insight Healthcare is now providing a free NHS talking therapy service patients.

You can self refer to this service by calling 0300 555 5582 (local rate) or visit their website:

Notts Talk

Feeling low, anxious or stressed and need help patient can now self refer to NHS Nottinghamshire talking therapy service: or by phone 0333 188 1060.

Physiotherapy Self-Referral

From 26th March 2018 any patient 16+ can self-refer to physiotherapy.

To refer yourself for this service please complete this form.

Talking Therapies

If you are experiencing stress, worry, depression, anxiety or insomnia there are services which can offer confidential support. 

Mulptiple non-NHS helplines are available:

The Samaritans on Freephone 116 123

Mind on 0300 123 3393

Age UK on 0800 055 6112

SANEline on 0300 304 7000

CRUSE bereavement on 0844 477 9400

Stammer Support Group

Do you stammer? 

There is a self help group in Mansfield.

Meetings held at Mansfield Community Hospital seminar room 2.

Contact 0115 876 0117 for more information.

Chlamydia Screening

Around 1 in 12 people test positive for Chlamydia.
Be safe, visit for your FREE & CONFIDENTIAL postal test kit or text TEST followed by your AGE and POSTCODE to 60777.

Health Information Services

Action Asthma

Asthma education for patients –

BBC Health
Wide range of health subjects –

British Liver Trust
Liver disease information –
A wide range of health information can be found at

National Heart Campaign
Public Health England are launching a National Heart Health Age campaign in September. Please use the following link for a heart age calculator or contact the surgery to make an NHS health check.

Other Useful Websites